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You can have a Pleasure Revival!

Adore and cherish your peri-and post-menopausal body, mind, and spirit.

Reclaim your orgasm.

Rekindle your relationship.

Replenish your well of energy and power.

Discover new levels of intimacy with your partner and yourself.

Your sexuality is changing. 

These changes are normal and beautiful.

Changes in your body, including hormonal changes, results of surgery, and other physical and health challenges, may cause your sexuality to change.

  • Your libido may decrease or seem to disappear.

  • What used to give you pleasure leaves you numb — or annoys you! 

  • Intercourse may become painful. 

  • Orgasm may be elusive. 

Your partner may be having his or her own issues with aging, hormones, erectile dysfunction, changing libido, depression, loss of desire.

Sex in midlife feels complicated.


It IS worth the effort to get your orgasms back, and this is why:

The changes in your sexuality are physical, and they are also spiritual.  

Your Soul is calling you to deep healing, deep wisdom, deep connection with the Divine Feminine within.

Your sexuality is a resource so you can embody this connection.

Sex after menopause is an opportunity for growth and limitless potential.

The secret is not to try to regain something you feel like you lost.

The secret is to allow the change and grow into your new self as a powerful, erotic, wise orgasmic woman.

Navigating these changes is not a journey you take alone.

I created Sex After Menopause Pleasure Revival to guide you into this time of sexual self-discovery.

For perhaps the first time in your life, you are the center of your sex life. Your pleasure, love-making, and relationship are about you and what you desire.

Client Love 

Carla Sanders, the Cosmic Crone, is an extraordinary leader in women’s work. Her humor, deep commitment, knowledge, and genuine desire to see all women live from a place of sexual pleasure made her SAM course exceptional. Carla’s anatomy class was a revelation, and I turned around and shared it with my partner. So much of our potential pleasure is woven into the understanding of how these beautiful parts work in the symphony of our body’s pleasure. I recommend Sex After Menopause!
— Linda G.
I personally went from a place of sexual apathy to a woman who believes I can live in my full sexual embodiment either by myself or with a partner. Our womb space holds so much unleashed potential, it is only waiting for our own presence and attention. 
— Lottie

Sex After Menopause is about YOU and your pleasure.

If you are without a partner, or your partner does not choose to engage, you can still benefit from this work. Your needs are always front and center!

Sex After Menopause is for any midlife woman with a vulva, solo or partnered, straight or gay.

Client Love

After a hysterectomy and a tumultuous menopausal journey, I felt betrayed by my womb and cut off from my erotic desire. Carla Sanders’ Sex After Menopause was exactly what I needed to reestablish and go deeper into relationship with my divine self and reignite the flame of my inner lover.  The Womb Clearing work was especially helpful and I keep coming back to it.

I am glad I chose the Platinum option. Through her gentle, channeled guidance in the private sessions, Carla masterfully gave me the tools and the safe container I needed to move more fully into my realized self post menopause. 
The “Sex After Menopause” program with Carla was life changing! It is about SO much more than sex! It is about connecting to your deep, innate feminine power and wisdom. It is about clearing out the ton of crap that has been stored in your womb space for decades. It is about connecting to your body and your soul, your life and your purpose, your softness and your strength. It is about opening up to receiving on every level. It is an amazing journey. I can’t thank you enough for this gift!
— Krista Marie

Sex After Menopause: A Pleasure Revival is

  • for women in midlife, in menopause, or late perimenopause.

  • a small circle of women seeking to transform the meaning of intimacy and create space for profound change.

  • a space to meet you where you are and give you individual attention toward where you want to go.

  • a circle for you to witness and be witnessed, practice being vulnerable, and practice being powerful together. You will learn so much from each other. 

Some of the work we will do together:

Practices to expand your body’s ability to receive and feel pleasure.

Practices to increase your sexual energy. 

Processes for dealing with triggers and forming new beliefs about your sexuality. 

Work with the challenging emotions of shame, fear, jealousy, and resentment.

Skills for vulnerable conversations with your partner about what you feel, what you want, what you need, and what your partner may be feeling and needing.

Lessons in tapping your erotic energy as a replenishing and creative resource.

Yes, it is true that becoming a Wise Orgasmic Woman is the journey of the rest of  your life.

In Sex After Menopause, you will get a foundation that will expand your erotic life and allow you to grow. 

Sex After Menopause Pleasure Revival is

  • for women in midlife, in menopause, or late perimenopause.

  • a small circle of women seeking to transform the meaning of intimacy and create space for profound change.

  • a space to meet you where you are and give you individual attention toward where you want to go.

  • a circle for you to witness and be witnessed, practice being vulnerable, and practice being powerful together. You will learn so much from each other. 

Things can change very quickly when you release fear and shame!

Some of the results you can expect through the Sex After Menopause program:

  • Discover who you are as a sexual wise woman, with or without a partner.

  • Heal shame, resentment, false beliefs, and old wounds around your sexuality. 

  • Place yourself at the center of your sex life (it’s a revelation!)

  • Create a vibration of self-love and acceptance that invites your partner to meet you in a compassionate space where you can discover each other anew.

  • Make challenging conversations opportunities for deeper intimacy and growth for both of you.

  • Discover new ways to have and feel orgasm.

  • Embrace womb healing as a spiritual growth path, whether through medical, energetic, or traditional methods.

Sex After Menopause Pleasure Revival includes:

8 weekly 75 - 90 minute group Zoom sessions

Audio recordings of the Zoom sessions

Private SAM FB group for coaching, sharing, and support between sessions

PDF worksheets and exercises for daily practice


1. One private 60 minute session with Carla ($497 value)

2. Sacred Pleasure Webinar recording on female anatomy of pleasure ($297 value)

3. The FirePlay E-book. ($97 value)

Client Love

Sex After Menopause (SAM) was more than I could have ever anticipated. I was curious about sprucing up my sex life. I was not unhappy, and yet there was an inkling that I could have more. I want to be cherished and desired – before I can ask that of my partner, I must first give this to myself.

By taking the time with Carla to go deeper into self knowledge and begin to understand the Goddess I am, new levels of desire were seeded in my entire life – not just the bedroom. My self-love was renewed as I honored my femininity and my beautiful female anatomy.

My deepest gratitude to Carla for gently guiding the way , asking the “probing” questions to illuminate what I intuitively knew, holding me in my tears, laughing with me, insisting I try when I needed a nudge, and showing me how to come back to all that I truly desire. And now that I have learned again about my own pleasure and play, I will invite my partner to the bedroom to share this portal of wisdom and explore this sacred reunion.
— Cathy B.
Sex After Menopause was a huge revelation to me. With Carla’s professional and loving guidance and the shared trust with the other group members, I started feeling connected to my body again. The tools provided throughout the program were of great help, both of a practical and spiritual nature. It was such a relief to find confirmation that women though menopause experience the same kind of change and self-questioning as I did, and to find a safe and sacred space to discuss this.

The program offered a natural process to become aware of my needs, to name them, to express them and to accept all the changes I experienced with menopause. I no longer felt weird or different but standing in my power embodying the new I.
— Anita B.

How to Enroll in Sex After Menopause

Review this page and the payment options carefully.

Then select the enrollment link for the program you want.
Go to the page and make your payment for the payment plan you want.

Watch your email for your welcome letter with your first exercise and bonus.

8 week group (+ bonuses )

$ 1,997.00

(when paid in full)

Payment Plans are available.
Select either a

2-Pay Plan or an extended 5-Pay Plan


Client Love

In Sex After Menopause, I learned not to be ashamed to explore my body. I learned that Yes! We are much alive after menopause. It was amazing to learn how to listen to my womb. The most important to me was to connect my heart with my womb. To walk with grace connecting with femininity. To explore my body and appreciate it.
— Marilda