The Divine Feminine has a message for your business.


Support your Business and its CEO (YOU!) with an astrology retainer program.


You are a woman with a mission and a purpose.

Your business is the sacred container for expressing your mission and purpose.

Your business changes lives and changes the world.

You and your business matter - a lot!

Every business goes through changes, growing pains, shifts in direction.

Always, your business reflects your own growth edge, desires, and healing journey.

Are you at a crossroads? Do you have some big decisions to make?

A Divine Feminine Astrology Retainer focused on your business and your money gives you the “goddess eye view” of your opportunities, challenges, and resources that can bring clarity to business and money decisions.

When it comes to investing, rebranding, hiring and firing, and clarity of vision and goals, the natural rhythms and timings of nature are valuable allies.

Astrology works with nature, rhythms, planetary archetypes, and your own subconscious mind and intuition to help you know your business intimately.

You can dissolve inner blocks that can interfere with bold decisions,

Identify the cosmic energy that supports you to move forward (or press pause) with projects,

Grow your business and wealth in alignment with your True Desires and Highest Purpose.

When you engage Carla Sanders, the Cosmic Crone on retainer, you invest in:

An astrologer with a creative and unique perspective on the Art of Astrology;

A certified Sacred Depths™ coach to hold space for your actions and decisions;

And a wise woman who can see and name the Truth with you.

Confidence in your own ability as a leader in your field


The Divine Feminine Astrology Retainer for Business and Money includes:

  • A 90 minute initial consultation to review your astrology chart focused on business and money

  • a synastry (relationship) chart for you and your business

  • monthly astrology sessions (60 minutes) for the duration of the retainer

  • Audio recordings of all sessions

  • one 30 minute emergency session every 6 months to review unexpected opportunities or problems

Astrology retainers are paid in full at registration.

Retainers of 6 months and 12 months are available.

Click the Paypal button below to choose and reserve your retainer.


Six Month Retainer



Twelve Month Retainer



After you make your payment, you will receive a welcome letter and a client agreement, and instructions to prepare for your first session.

All sales of Astrology Retainers are final. No refunds will be made. If you decide not to continue with an astrology retainer, you may apply a balance to another product or service of The School of Womb Wisdom and Carla Sanders.

Carla, I don’t have enough words to describe how powerful this work is that you offer!!! My mind was blown, my inner soul felt awakened and validated.... I had so many A-Ha moments.... Leaving with a much better understanding of my soul and her gifts and purposes on this earth here and now... thank you for your intricate dance of astrology, divine feminine and crone wisdom!!! So much LOVE
— Stephanie
The Divine Feminine Astrology Reading with Carla is phenomenal. It’s creates a world with me at the center and the Goddess planets in my natal chart are gathered in Divine Counsel.
— Kathy
Right from the first couple of minutes of the reading, pennies were dropping for me. Feelings and intuitions I had previously had became tangible reality. My reading immediately confirmed for me I am on the right path in my life and has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams and believe in myself like never before. It has been a couple of months since my reading and as times goes by it resonates more and more with my life, integration of the information continues as things Carla told me unfold.
— Louise
It was so epic & awesome. Carla Sanders is so full of wisdom and as someone who doesn’t understand all the specifics of astrology yet, I really loved how she explained the planets & houses in a relatable way. I came away with a new understanding of my strengths and so much clarity about my purpose, with clear guidance/action steps I can follow moving forward. So worth the time and money!!
— Brianna
I had no idea that so much was going on in my 6th house, but this explanation has aided my work in seeing my body as the temple of the priestess. I now have a better understanding of my wild feminine nature and which aspects balance that part of me, so I feel that I can trust myself more. Moving forward, I’m inspired to look at areas where I’ve been overly disciplined or self-critical. I can feel a greater sense of flow and ease that is being reflected in my work and all areas of my life.
— Jen M