Black Moon Lilith in Taurus during the Pandemic

October 24 I hosted a Great Samhuinn ritual fire guided by an ancient Scottish tradition. That fire, that circle, that ceremony is working in me in a mighty way. I feel my powers increasing, especially in the language of planets, and the womb link between earth and cosmos.

Black Moon Lilith’s sojourn in Taurus simultaneous with Vesta’s journey through Virgo amplifies this power even more.

We are in the age of the Dark Goddess.

I am here to support you as you navigate this unknown territory. Black Moon Lilith is a guide and resource.

At this Blue Moon, Samhuinn Full Moon, time of the thin veil between the worlds, I offer you an introduction to the Triple Goddess Lilith and her journey through Taurus in the time of pandemic.

Lilith is a triple goddess, a triune archetype of the Divine Feminine. When I read the Divine Feminine Astrology Chart for my private clients, I always read three Liliths.

My resource for the three Liliths in astrology is M. Kelley Hunter – and the Goddess Lilith herself.

The three Liliths are:

Lilith Temple by Carla Sanders

Lilith Temple by Carla Sanders

Lilith asteroid The disowned feminine within, especially sexuality and all its feminine power. She stands for the things we don’t talk about, the parts of ourselves we have been told are unacceptable, unlovable, or uncontrollable. Evil. I call this the feminine wound. This Lilith has attributes we often associate with Eve.

Algol, the Lilith star The Demonized Goddess. The divine feminine, the great mother who was consigned to hell and oblivion by the patriarchy.

She is the one who calls to us outside of time, ever present in our cellular memory. We meet her in our WOMB space. We know her, and we know not that we know…

Black Moon Lilith, a mathematical point in the Moon’s orbit I imagine her as the memory of the Goddess before Patriarchy. She is the Void of Fertile Darkness that creates a vortex to become form. She becomes everything. She is the creatrix, the feminine principle. The womb that is the portal from the cosmos to the material.

All of these aspects are ONE.

Lilith emerged in Judeo-Christian myth as the first woman, Adam’s first wife in the Garden of Eden, who misbehaved. (All the women of Eden misbehaved, according to the stories.)

Created at the same time as Adam, Lilith was made from dark, fertile earth. She made the garden grow and bear fruit with ease and pleasure.

She was equal to Adam, the man, and to God. She was Creatrix, the Goddess.

Adam and God decided that Lilith should be submissive to man. She would lie beneath him during sex. Do as she was told.

She refused, and abandoned the garden she effortlessly created. She took her fertility, wealth, and ease with her.

Lilith thus stands for Soul-deep integrity. Sovereignty. The willingness to walk away rather than be disrespected.

The stories turn her into a demon, cursed, feared. A killer of babies. A seducer of Men. These beliefs about her survive in misogyny to this day.

Lilith represents all that we have been told is evil, feared, denied and disowned about ourselves.

Lilith is our power repressed.

Which ever Lilith you are talking about, they all three have the qualities of feminine power, sexual wisdom, fertility, pleasure, ease, Divinity, integrity, sovereignty… ALL cast into the shadows.

Unconscious. Dreams and vision. Deep memory. Deep embodiment.

Significant that Black Moon Lilith, the goddess before patriarchy, enters Taurus at the time of the Pandemic.

Venus rules Taurus.

All things Lilith that are suppressed within us are idolized, adored, and honored in Venus.

Black Moon Lilith is reclaiming all these qualities of beauty, pleasure, and ease in body and home. At the same time she reminds us of the Darkness we carry, the source of our strength.

The Crone, the Hag, the Dark Goddess of the Underworld are very much with us in our daily lives during the pandemic.

Black Moon Lilith in Taurus turns the temple of the Goddess Venus into a house of healing.

Pleasure, beauty, and ease are our medicine. Magic, strength, and power are our truth.

Black Moon Lilith will be in Taurus for nine months. She will make many aspects to the current residents of Taurus, including Uranus, Albion, and Algol. She will have a monthly conjunction with the Moon, and will have conjunctions with all the personal planets as they move around the wheel.

The most potent aspect is a long trine with Vesta. I’ll share more news about that in the coming days.

I will monitor all the aspects as we will need to listen to her messages throughout this coming year of change. Nine months is a gestation cycle. Black Moon Lilith will birth us into a new era.

You may be wondering how Black Moon Lilith in Taurus affects your life specifically. What special message or inspiration does Black Moon Lilith and the other Liliths have for your healing and navigation of this time of crumbling patriarchy?


Lilith Triple Goddess series Part 1. (LINK HERE)

Lilith in Taurus Overview video on Youtube.

Full Moon Dark Goddess Astrology Reading

Join the Womb Wisdom Portal group on Facebook to get first notice and exclusive teachings on the Divine Feminine and Lilith in Taurus.

Dark Goddess Astrology Intensive

Carla Sanders