National Orgasm Day: FIVE Reasons You Need Orgasm NOW


Reason #1: Orgasm is Your Birthright

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You are reason enough. Your pleasure, fulfillment, and happiness matter. Orgasm is your birthright. It is embedded in your divine design. You deserve pleasure, lots of it.

Contrary to what you may have learned, pleasure is good. It is profound. Erotic pleasure is NOT like cotton candy. It will not make you fat or cause tooth decay.

Orgasm will connect you to your Soul, to Divine, and to other people you share pleasure with. It's good for you. You deserve good things. Pause a moment to let that in. Do you believe it? Can you feel it?


Reason #2: Pleasure is a vital nutrient.

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A woman's Soul craves orgasm. Not only that, her mind requires orgasm to function optimally. Orgasm floods the brain with oxytocin, endorphins and dopamine, which help a woman’s brain make creative connections, solve problems, be resourceful, and feel good.

Without pleasure we fail to thrive, becoming depressed, irritable, and immune suppressed. Listen to that last one again – Orgasm deficiency suppresses your immune system. Now more than ever!

We need pleasure and we need the path to pleasure: touch, connection, intimacy, and Into-Me-See. We need to be seen.

Pleasure is not an isolated ingredient pharma extracts from the plant and put in a capsule to sell. Pleasure and expanded orgasm are like the whole rain forest of medicine plants, whose healing energy cannot be separated from the plant and its environment.

You want to cultivate your capacity for orgasm and pleasure. You want to practice and become skilled and adept in your sexuality, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, so you can have the whole rain forest's worth of pleasure nutrient.


Reason #3. Pleasure is a renewable resource. 

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You can have as much as you want and there is always more available.

You having all the pleasure you desire does not take away another's ability to have just as much pleasure as they want!

Your pleasure does not pollute the earth (choose organic lubricants).

Your pleasure does not add to the landfill or contribute to climate change (provided you choose sex toys wisely and recycle condom wrappers and rubber gloves).

Your body is a self-contained orgasm fountain so you don’t usually need all that anyway.

TRUTH --> Your pleasure is a giveaway. You are returning energy to the earth. Our ancestors knew that our pleasure, our lovemaking, our fertility, was intricately connected with the abundance and fertility of all of life.

Pleasure is the original religion and sacrament.



Reason #4. Your pleasure heals.

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There is only one kind of energy in the world – orgasmic energy.
Healing energy and orgasmic energy are the same energy.
Because of the way orgasm affects your brain and body, it eases pain, reduces stress, amps up your immune system. You can heal your body with orgasm.

Wait there’s more!

You may have heard that you can't be poor enough to help the needy, or sick enough to help others be healthy. It is universal law. It is only by having abundance of anything that you can have a positive and healing impact on the world.

This law applies to your satisfied, ecstatic sex life too.

Your abundant orgasm changes the vibration of everyone and everything around you. They probably won't know why the neighborhood crime rate went down, or property values increased, or rates of colds and flu reduced. 

Don’t let that stop you. You don’t need kudos, you are having orgasms!

You uplift the vibration of the whole planet.


5. Your pleasure changes the world. 

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When a critical mass of human beings can consciously – and unselfconsciously – embrace and enjoy their erotic pleasure, society will shift.

I mean it and I believe it. It is why I do my work as a teacher and healer of sexuality. It is why I continue to do my personal growth around my sexual energy and pleasure.

How many people will it take to reach critical mass? I don't have a number for you, but I know it takes a surprisingly small percentage of the planetary population to make the shift. 

You are an important part of the critical mass. Can you show a little faith and have an orgasm for the good of humanity?

Never mind humanity! You are reason enough. Go ahead right now and have an orgasm (or two or more) for yourself, because YOU are reason enough. 

You change the world with your pleasure.



Feeling a little unsure of yourself around pleasure?
I have something good for you. 
In all my years of working with women, sometimes the biggest needle mover for improving their sex life is INFORMATION! Know what you have, how you work, and what is possible makes all the difference. 

Sacred Pleasure- Women's Erotic Anatomy is an online class with video, resources, and tools to help you cultivate more pleasure, solo and with your partner.  Check it out here.


Carla Sanders