Dragonfire Scorpio New Moon
How is this Scorpio New Moon showing up for you?
I had a fire at the New Moon moment, which coincided with Sunset here.
My New Moon Fire
A dragon appeared in the flames, bringing news from the Dark Goddess. The Fierce Feminine is raising her voice and raising our collective consciousness during the Moon Cycle.
She is calling on the sacred masculine Warriior Mars to clear the path for her arrival.
I pondered the role of Mars in this New Moon.
In the New Moon Divine Feminine Astrology Reading yesterday, I noted that Mars is at 3 degrees, 33 minutes Scorpio.
Someone shared this Angel Number 333 message with me –
“Angel Number 333 encourages you to be creative, social and communicative and use your natural abilities and talents to empower yourself and uplift and enlighten others as your lightworking abilities and life mission are to be utilized for the good of all.”
I looked up another site that said:
“The 333 or 3333 angel number is a wake-up call from the universe. Although the meanings may vary a bit among believers, most agree that this number reveals that the time is right to move forward and achieve lifelong goals. The universe is behind you.”
My fire whispered:
Mars energy – masculine, warrior, fierce, directed, focused, decisive, and erotically charged – is urging you to go ahead. Take steps. Move on your vision and your purpose even if things are not perfect yet.
Even if you only know a little piece of it. Especially if you only know a little piece of it.
That’s called FAITH.
Faith knows the Universe has your back!
Now once you start to move, a whole lot of other stuff will start moving. Shit will come up to be healed and released. You are always doing your inner work. Inner works goes better with support.
I am here for you.
A good first step is a Divine Feminine Astrology Reading with me. Find out what part of your life this New Moon Scorpio and Mars 333 energy lands on.
Find out what the Venus Retrograde in Capricorn coming up means for you.
This is vital preparation and energy attunement for the coming New Year.
Booking now for December!
The Raging Womb
Invitation to join The Raging Womb, the three-part Masterclass series on Transmuting Rage into Feminine Power. I’ll share teachings on the forbidden emotions of Rage, Desire, Ambition that we carry inside the Womb Space.
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