Mercury, the Dark Goddess, and Saturn
I love when the Planets call me to check the chart of the moment. Mercury direct has an exact to the minute conjunction with Algol. Dark Goddess is sending Mercury on their way with her message.
June 6, 2022, 9:22am edt
Meanwhile, Pallas Athene is exact conjunct Uranus. How will the Goddess of mental strength, will, and strategy use the lighting power of Uranus to achieve her potent intentions. Be ready for a revelation. Surrender to an epiphany that changes everything.
All these planets are square Saturn in Aquarius. It is a good day to make a plan and follow through with it. Seek support. Create a strong container for the Change you desire. The Change maker you ARE.
It is also a good day to do a ritual. Saturn creates a container, and the laws of nature, and the rules of magic. His influence is multidimensional, especially with Uranus and Dark Goddess influence.
Work with Saturn to create what you want. Keep it simple. It is powerful.
Developing aspect is Juno conjunct Nessus. I bring it up, because Juno stands for always doing what is best and life-giving to the women and children. Creating an economy and society built on the foundation of health and plenty for the future. Deep respect for the Feminine and all Life.
This is what we mean by "dismantling patriarchy."
As you meditate, plan, work, and ritual today, remember why.
Today, all this planning, ritual, healing, and listening is uplifted by the Moon trine Mary Magdalene. Emotion and intuition in Virgo the sign of the priestess flows toward the Priestess and Teacher of Feminine Christ Consciousness in the sign of earthly authority.
We are grounded in holy truth, and inspired by the fierce goddess burning our hearts.
May you have all you need to heal, thrive, and create today.
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