Five Secrets to Arousal in Menopause

This week we are learning about women's arousal during menopause. Part 1 looked at some physical facts about arousal and how these are an embodied expression of Womb Wisdom.

Let’s take that exploration deeper, revealing five secrets that honor the Divine Feminine and Womb Wisdom of your arousal rhythms.

Womb Wisdom knows the journey to engorgement is one of pleasure and connection. A woman’s womb knows what she needs to feel safe, loved, and completely supported in her power.

YOUR WOMB knows what you require to surrender to arousal, engorgement, and orgasm.

Here are FIVE secrets a woman requires to become fully engorged and aroused –
Let them be secrets no more!

👑 A woman needs to feel physically and emotionally safe. Her nervous system can’t be alert to the proverbial saber tooth tiger or any other perceived danger. She can’t be afraid of her partner, or mistrust them if the biology of her erectile tissue, nervous system, and hormones is going to work as designed.

👑 A woman needs to feel adored and cherished. She needs to know that her pleasure matters – that SHE matters. Whether she is giving or receiving in the moment, what makes her feel good, her pleasure and needs, must be front and center. The setting – low light, soft music, treats, wooing, seduction, and consent – the stuff we call “romance” – prepares a woman’s nervous system for arousal.

👑 A woman needs time and space. This is how she finds her rhythm. Arousal is expansive. She is preparing for a cosmic connection. Her body is her guide. She needs to pay close attention to her rhythm. For full engorgement to happen, she needs to find her rhythm or cycle of stimulation and excitement, alternating with periods of relaxation and enjoyment. This is true whether she makes love with her self solo or she is with a partner.

👑 A woman needs to communicate her desires. Finding and following this spiral of pleasure takes communication. She needs to tell her partner what she likes, and what she wants. She needs to know what she wants. Her partner must also tune into her rhythm and follow her lead if she is to surrender. (I know it sounds contradictory, but this lead/follow is the dance of intimacy.)

👑 A woman needs variety and inspiration. It may be that what she wants is something completely new and different. By midlife, a woman and her partner may have a familiar “fastest path to orgasm” – and it may not work anymore. Boredom is an arousal killer.

Just as you reach the point when society shrouds you with the cloak of invisibility …

They hint strongly that you are not attractive or sexual ...

And you may wonder if sex is already in your past ...

That’s when you uncover your wise and wild self!
Fear not the wild, the new, and the DEEP in your sex play!

You deserve support!

Menopause is your time to shed old patterns, habits, and beliefs about your sexuality and desire. 

And discover deliciously what you really want now, and how to have it -- ALL!

I offer the customized, 1:1 support you want through Sex and Menopause: An Orgasmic Awakening for Midlife Women.

In our three months of work together, you will reignite your desire and libido so you can
🌺 Enjoy sacred, soul-nourishing sex that honors your pleasure and your desires.
🌺 Connect with your orgasmic energy so you are a clear channel for divine downloads.
🌺 Practice the Art of Receiving.
🌺 Trust yourself so completely you always know what you want, and can express it – this extends beyond the bedroom into all parts of your life.

I’m opening spaces now for this private work with me in Sex and Menopause: An Orgasmic Awakening for Midlife Women.

I invite you to step into this work with me. All you need to do now is email me by clicking on the lavendar button below and say: I’m ready for support on my menopause journey. I’ll ask you a few questions to make sure it’s a good fit, and if yes, send you all the info.

Carla Sanders