The Unbearable Tension of the CALL to Life
The Aquarius New Moon carries a potent sense of RISING, of gathering strength to meet the challenges of our earth and our human collective. The call is upon us. Earth is crying out. The ancestors cry through the voices in the planets show the way.
This exquisite Divine Feminine New Moon is at 1º 33’ Aquarius about half an hour before sunset on the coast of Maine. The Moon and Sun make a triple conjunction with Magdalena at 1º 47’ Aquarius.
This New Moon portal, illuminated by the avatar of Feminine Christ Consciousness, is opposite our beloved Black Moon Lilith freshly emerging into her Leo persona. All these beauties square Haumea at 1º 02’ Scorpio. Haumea is the Hawaiian Great Grandmother Goddess, Mother of all the Gods, guardian of Fertility and Childbirth.
We are in a moment of intense awareness of Feminine Power.
It feels so big, TOO BIG, overwhelming.
We each have our role to play, our work to do. The task of planetary transformation and healing is at its root a personal healing path. We bravely step onto our path of growth, healing awareness, and show up as we are.
The blessing is we do not do this alone. That is the medicine of Aquarius. Working together, as a circle, as community, for the well-being of the community. Not only the human community, but all our relations, of all species.
At this moment of Aquarius New Moon we feel the tension of the Call, and the tension of not knowing HOW to do it.
Be still with this tension. Don’t try to relieve it. Let it sink into your bones. Let it swirl around in your tissues.
Then say Yes. I am here. Please show me my next step.
This Call is from the Feminine and to the Feminine. Yet it is not only to women.
Other pairings in this new moon chart reveal that the Feminine and Masculine are equal partners in this Call to new birth.
Juno and Jupiter are together in Aries. The god and goddess in Sacred Marriage remember that they are stronger when they love together as equals.
Vesta merges with Neptune in Pisces. The Priestess peels back the veils to reveal the unknown. We are still in the mystery at the moment at the New Moon.
Venus and Saturn are together in Aquarius. We can create a system, a structure that is founded in Love, Pleasure, and Abundance for all of us.
Mercury stationed direct on Pholus. As Mercury retraces the path of this retrograde, to meet Pluto and enter Aquarius, the message he brings may be unsettling.
4 hours before exact New Moon Aquarius
When the tension of the square breaks, it may not feel good, or safe, or pleasant. But the chaos that comes (Eris connected to Venus-Saturn) is necessary, fertile, and creative.
Black Moon Lilith in Leo illuminates a new consciousness that rises above manmade idealogies and dogmas. Lilith roots us in the loamy remembrance of our divine nature connecting earth and cosmos.
The body is sacred, creativity is sacred, sex is sacred. Our spiritual elevation, awareness, ascension, if you like that word, is only possible when we honor our presence in this body, on this earth.
We are the sacred web that connects the stars and the fungi.
This New Moon says, “Welcome to the Family of Life.”
Exact moment of New Moon in Aquarius