Womb Priestess Initiation
“A woman's life is a temple to honor the goddess within her. She is Priestess of her own life.” — Carla Sanders
Every woman contains the Priestess archetype within.
She is awakened through Initiation.
She heals herself through Initiation.
She receives her gifts through Initiation.
She receives vision, mission, and purpose through Initiation.
The Charge of the Womb Priestess
You are called to serve a greater mission on Earth.
You are called to teach your daughters the truth and mystery that was withheld from you.
You are called to love the ones whose time for Initiation has not yet arrived.
You are called to uplift your sisters around the world with the knowing of their own feminine power.
You are part of the great movement to bring divine feminine back into the lives of the people.
You bring balance of the feminine and masculine to society.
You are the the conscious embodiment of the Goddess, born to use your unique gifts to bring her power and wisdom to the consciousness of all the people.
When you leave this Temple as an Initiated Womb Priestess, you will be prepared to lead.
As you receive, so you shall give.
As you learn, you will teach.
Womb Priestess Initiation is for the woman who
— is committed to a journey of healing your own soul wounds,
— and integrating that power into your life and work.
— desires to learn the womb mysteries so you can integrate this knowledge and practice into your own expertise and transformational work.
— works with other people as healer, mentor, coach, artist, teacher, or elder.
— is called to help women and others heal from the wounds inflicted by generations of patriarchy.
— desires to fully embody your divine feminine powers of Sex, Wealth, and Voice.
In the Womb Priestess Initiation Cycle you will learn the Womb Mysteries.
You will experience erotic energy as a spiritual practice.
You will learn how to access higher planes of Consciousness through your womb connection.
You will activate embodied wisdom mediated by your own feminine erotic energy.
You will learn to listen to the goddess through your body and your womb.
You will know how receive the wisdom and translate it into action in the world.
You will meet the Dark Goddess within you and through her you will know your true power.
You will know your highest gifts and how to share them with the world —
Effectively, Powerfully, Profitably.
You will be qualified and charged to teach others.
Womb Priestess Initiation is a 13 month journey in three levels.
Following is a summary of the three levels, the investments, and how to take the next step.
You will have questions. Please book a conversation with me to discuss your desires and answer any questions you have.
Level 1 – 4 months
Desire: Healing Your Sacred Womb
The woman’s initiation from Maiden to Woman that you did not receive as a girl, with the added strength of your years of life experience.
Heal shame, unleash your power, expand your sexual pleasure, learn the first Womb Mysteries.
Your Divine Guide for this phase of Initiation is Lilith, the Triple Goddess of all the Feminine Power that you have learned to distrust, deny, and disown.
Step 1 of the Initiation Journey covers
Healing the feminine wound and reclaiming the disowned feminine within you.
Love and appreciation for your body – healing the shame that keeps you small and hidden
Sacred Moon Blood and Ritual – heal any residual shame you may still carry around menstruation (Menopausal women also heal shame and misinformation about menstruation)
Sexuality – your divine design for pleasure
The Jewels of Womb Centering and the Womb- Heart connection
Rebirth as Virgin – Restoring yourself a woman whole and complete into herself
After completion of Desire: Healing Your Sacred Womb, you are invited to the second level of Initiation.
Level 2 – 6 months
Womb Wisdom Initiation: The Deep Journey
Modeling Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld, and her Return to her place as the Queen of Heaven, you explore the deep recesses of your Cosmic Sacred Womb. Through your own healing experience guided by the deities Inanna and Ereshkigal you will learn what you will teach others.
Upon your Ascent you will be received by the High Priestess Vesta and prepare to step fully into your service as a Womb Priestess.
The Womb Wisdom Initiation works through ritual, magic, herbal allies, the moon cycle and the wheel of the year, and Divine Oracle of your Womb. You will give yourself a solo retreat.
During the 6 months of Level 2, besides your private sessions with Carla, you will also participate in group rituals and teachings with your peers who are also Womb Priestess Initiates.
Your Divine Guides for this stage of Initiation are Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld, and Vesta, the High Priestess of your Inner Sacred Flame.
Upon completion of Womb Wisdom Initiation: The Deep Journey you will move directly into Level 3.
Level 3 – 3 months
Womb Priestess Practice and Mentorship
Your Divine Guide for this stage of your initiation is Grandmother Spider and whoever you call – or who calls you – to work closely together.
A Priestess is a cosmic go-between for the people, your clients and students. You support them in healing, expanding consciousness, elevating vibration, and spiritual wholeness. You help them find their own path.
A Priestess is also the administrator of an earthly Temple — your sacred business.
The 3 month Practicum and Mentorship includes practice in teaching the basic Womb Mysteries to others, and getting paid to do so. While it is NOT business coaching, you will be working with clients, setting up containers to receive money, and working with the sacred energy of money
For three months you will create and lead programs, classes, or circles in which you incorporate the teachings and practices you have learned through your initiation.
Styled as a Mastermind, as you will meet with and collaborate with other Initiates. It also includes supervision and coaching as I support you as you integrate and return with your gifts to the World.
Upon Completion of your Practicum and Mentorship, you are an Initiated Womb Priestess with a Certificate and a Crown and an experiential knowing of Womb Mysteries and Feminine Power. We can hope that by that time we can gather for an in person ceremony of completion and celebration!
Enroll in Womb Priestess Initiation
Level 1 — Desire: Healing Your Sacred Womb is the prerequisite for the remainder of the program.
Completing this Initiation into Womanhood and Healing does NOT commit you to the Womb Priestess Initiation. You make that decision after you complete Level 1.
Level 1 – Desire: Healing Your Sacred Womb is $4997.00.
Level 2 – Womb Wisdom Initiation: The Journey to the Underworld is $9997.00
Level 3 – Womb Priestess Practice and Mentorship is $4997.00
The investment for the entire 13 month Womb Priestess Initiation cycle is $19,991.00. (USD)
Installments are available starting at $1,997.00 per month.
Schedule a call with Carla to confirm this is the right fit for you. The call does not commit you to enrollment.