Into the Cauldron: Saturn conjunct Pluto

Let me tell you a Divine Feminine Astrology Story.

Saturn and Pluto make exact conjunction January 12 about midday eastern time. This is an epoch-defining conjunction which impact will carry through the next two years. Given that it is part of an eclipse cycle, it will color the next 19 years. You can read about the astrological nature of this conjunction from any other astrologer you follow.

I want to share the metaphor or vision this aspect brings me as I meditate on the chart through the lens of Divine Feminine Astrology. As the Full Moon at 20.00 Cancer exactly transits my natal Jupiter at 20.00 cancer, I take this Full Moon chart personally.

My first impression was that I should use this personal Jupiter energy to start something big. Then I spent the week before and including the Full Moon in bed sick, unable to work or think very much. I even lost my voice 10 minutes into my regularly schedule Full Moon Divine Feminine Astrology livestream.

In spite of the raucous aspects in the Chart of the Moment, what reveals for me is something much more subtle. It is answered prayer around some of the personal growth work I've been doing this fall. In order for this work to reach the light of day, I have to surrender, and release worry, and any need to control things. Thank you Jupiter. Thank you Moon. Thank you Juno.

I contemplate the Full Moon chart from Friday, January 10, at 2:21pm est. This is a simplified version of that chart.

Full Moon in Cancer Chart January 10, 2020

Full Moon in Cancer Chart January 10, 2020


Grandmother Moon in her rulership of Cancer is holding the kite string of the cluster of planets conjunct in Capricorn. She is equal to the task. She is bright and whole, and at home in Cancer, in every way. In the first house of this chart, She is the I AM, the ancient one, who I first met as a child with the song:

I see the moon, the moon sees me.

God made the moon and God made me.

God let the moon that shines on me

Shine on the one I love.

SHE is Love, in that fierce way that only grandmothers can love. She is protection.

Across the sky in Capricorn, the sign of government, structures, laws, corporations, and institutions, Saturn and Pluto have rolled through their one-time conjunction. It isn't over, but the pressure of its coming has let up. It is done.

These slow-moving planetary beasts met up at 22.47 Capricorn. Joining them are the Sun, Mercury, Ceres, and Chariklo.

What does it mean when the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, Lord of Law and Structure, meets up with Pluto, Lord of Death and Transformation?


I see a cauldron, a vessel into which all manner of substance is combined and heated so that something new is made.

Saturn is a container, the walls that hold the energy, the rules that bind behavior, the structures that direct the flow, as well as protect from chaos and the elements. We need Saturn as much as we dislike him.

Pluto allows that which is complete and used up to fall away. He dredges the unconscious and brings it to light, He is willing to kill all that stands in the way of new life and change. We fear Pluto so much we often fail to acknowledge how necessary he is.

These two merging in Capricorn create the cauldron in which all the rules we've made up about

who we are, what life means, what is expected of us, how we are limited, who is in charge,

who is victim, and who is perpetrator...


Look at the other elements stirred into this bubbling brew:

Ceres, the Earth herself, standing for food and fertility, and the cycles of Nature, as well as nourishment in all its forms.
The Sun, standing for Consciousness, the I AM, bringing the hidden into the light, seeing reality in truth.
Chariklo, the healer. A shapeshifting water nymph, a merperson who became a centaur for love of Chiron. She is the healer who has traveled with Pluto for all of 2019, mitigating the impact of his ruthless pruning of all that is ready to die.
Mercury is here, his destination about the retrograde in Pluto's sign Scorpio. He turned direct in conjunction with Hekate, the Crone at the Crossroads, bringing message of Crone wisdom and magic into this cauldron of change.

We need Hekate here. She is the one who guides Persephone on her annual journeys to the Underworld to meet her husband Pluto. Hekate holds the key to understanding this aspect and moving forward to allow the transformation to unfold within us.

The cauldron needs fire to do its work.

There is a grand fire trine here bringing the cauldron to the boil.

Chiron in Aries, Magdalena in Leo, and Hekate in Sagittarius together make the fire. As hot and terrifying as the fire under this cauldron may appear, it is fed by wisdom and love.

Chiron the healer and mentor to heros.

Magdalena, the embodiment of feminine Christ Consciousness.

Hekate, the Crone, the goddess of Magic, Night, the Moon, and the Crossroads.

Every transformation, birth, and death is a crossroad.

Every decision means allowing all other options to die.

We look at this time, world events, and the challenges of our own lives.

It feels so out of control. It is normal to feel hopeless and terrified, staring into the teeth of the future.

There is one more aspect of the Full Moon chart which is protective and divine.

The Moon and Sun are opposite, and both are square Juno in Libra.

Libra is the sign of justice, balance, and relationship.

Juno is the goddess of social justice, the welfare of mothers and children, and the Sacred Union of masculine and feminine.

She stands aloof from this cauldron, observing and holding space for the highest good.

Juno provides an example of how we might regard the inevitable and necessary work of the cauldron and the flame.

Keep tabs on Capricorn in your peripheral vision, but do not obsess.

This is the time to live in faith, trust your Self, and stand firm in your purpose, your values, and your reason for being alive in this time.

You matter, you have resources, you are never alone, and you are here to lead through the transformation.

You will be transformed yourself, and you have the capacity to stand apart from the drama and hysteria you may see all around you.

And since you are very brave and very powerful—

You may be called upon to give the brew in the cauldron a stir to help the process along.

NOTE: The Divine Feminine Astrology Reading is a tool I use with my private clients. You can get your Divine Feminine Natal Chart in the 30 day program, Desire and Destiny Intensive. See the link below.
(Get your own natal reading with Desire and Destiny.)

Carla Sanders