Dissolving the Barriers to Love

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Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~Rumi


The first time I read this quote attributed to Rumi, it landed on me like a truth bomb.

This spring, I read these lines, and wondered, “What does this even mean?”

Great spiritual insights are like that: truth bombs that don’t make sense.

“...merely to seek and find the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

And then what?

I found myself staring at the barriers, which seemed solid, immovable, and hard.

I’d get the crowbar and the sledge hammer to start tearing them down, only to find a stone wall twice as high on the other side.

Seeking and finding barriers became a full time job.

I was exhausted.

Then my Soul said,

What are you looking for?

Love, I said. My heart’s desire. The Truth.


Then leave the fucking barriers alone.

I’m right here! Love, Truth, Soul – your heart’s desire!

So this quote is a lie?

It’s just a trick question.
When you look for love, you see the barriers you’ve built, about why you can’t or your aren’t good enough, or you’ll never have it.
When you seek the barriers, you find the love. They dissolve in the presence of love.

Which is everywhere, within, and without.

How did I get all the splinters in my hands from tearing down barriers?

You made the common mistake of loving the barriers. The fierce engagement of tearing them down feels like earning love.
But you don’t have to earn love. Or break down barriers.

You only have to let it break you open.


I know. It’s terrifying. I sense your terror.

That is could be so easy, so raw, so real.

So simple.

The crowbar and the sledge hammer are much more satisfying.
The splinters are evidence that I have been diligent.

Next time, use compassion, awareness, and breath.
Use them relentlessly.
Because you will always see the barriers, and the only way to disappear the barriers is relentless love.

Where there is a barrier, that’s where the love is?


If you are tired of seeking, finding, and tearing down your barriers to love, pleasure, fulfillment, and purpose, I help women dissolve the barriers, and find soul-deep, abundant self-love, feminine power, and pleasure.

Sex After Menopause: Becoming a Wise Orgasmic Woman
starts next week. Enroll here.

Desire, Sexual Healing, and Self-Worth: A Woman’s Initiation starts at the Solstice. Apply here.

Carla Sanders