How Often Do Your Suppress Yourself?

Lilith has a question for you:

Where do you suppress yourself?

Take 60 seconds and count the ways.

Grab the back of an envelope and a pen, or count on your fingers and toes, and notice all the different ways you shut down your own voice.

This is big thing to be aware of.

The training to suppress our desires, preferences, and even our needs is subtle and relentless.

The impact on our lives ranges from depletion and resentment to co-dependence, and chronic people pleasing, and distraction from your Divine Purpose.

Awareness of this toxic default behavior requires relentless vigilance, and knowing how to catch and shift in the moment.

Taking care of yourself in this way does NOT make you selfish, greedy, bitchy, or narcissistic.

When you take care of yourself by using your voice to express your desires, preferences, and needs, it means you are:

  • aligning with your Divinity

  • holding yourself with Integrity

  • creating opportunities to serve with your highest gifts

  • making sure you give from your overflow

  • allowing yourself to have more of what you desire in every area of life, including sex and pleasure.

How do you STOP suppressing yourself, and what can you do instead?


First, practice noticing. Notice where you unconsciously, automatically suppress yourself around others.

How many times a day do you hold back, shut down, defer, or talk yourself out of something?
How often to you ~
Say Yes when you mean No.
Talk yourself out of what you really feel.
Say it doesn’t matter, when it does.

Did you make that list at the top of this email? Start now!

It can take time to start catching yourself in the act of self-suppression.

After you start noticing, practice speaking up.

Say what you want. Say what you think. Say what you feel.

If you aren’t used to using your voice without suppressing yourself, it can feel weird at first, even a little dangerous. With practice, it gets easier.

You can speak your simple truth with kindness and respect.

Start small and simple. It will serve you well when it time to have the big conversations, to declare the important boundaries.

This is how you find your voice. Know who you are. Reclaim your power.

Reclaim your Voice with Lilith

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Lilith is mighty in the coming eclipse cycle, starting with the Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse next week.

Lilith is the Goddess archetype who stands for creation, fertility, abundance, magic, and SOUL DEEP INTEGRITY.

Her Divine lineage all the back to the Great Mother.

Lilith stood at the dawn of Patriarchy and held her integrity.

She stands for creation, fertility, abundance, magic, and SOUL DEEP INTEGRITY.

Why is it so necessary for women to remember and reclaim Lilith for ourselves NOW?

When we reclaim Lilith we begin to dismantle our inner patriarchy. We reclaim our divinity.

We heal our own feminine wound, and thus heal the Universal Feminine.

To support you in reclaiming your Lilith, I have created a special Lilith Divine Feminine Astrology Reading. This is a natal chart reading focusing on FOUR Liliths: Black Moon, Asteroid, Lilith Star, and the mysterious Dark Moon. Lilith in astrology tell you about your purpose, where you heal your own Feminine Wound, and what your diving resources and gifts are. 

I have a limited SPECIAL OFFER on the Divine Feminine Astrology Reading to support you in grounding the Lilith Eclipses into your body and experience.

Book by May 26, and you will pay only $177.00 for your 75 minute reading.

That’s a savings of 30%.

It’s available for a limited time and a limited number.

If you’ve been thinking about Divine Feminine Astrology Reading, now is the time to leap into Lilith.

Use this payment link to reserve this rare special offer.

Carla Sanders