Beltane: The Dark Goddess, Erotic Fire, and Abundance

The ancient spring rite of Beltane is traditionally celebrated on May 1, May Day. It is the Cross-quarter, when the Sun is halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. That moment happens Friday, May 5, 2021, at 2:35 am in Searsport, Maine. We begin the Beltane Festival on May Day.

Dark Goddess

This year Beltane season is blessed by Venus conjunct the two avatars of the Dark Goddess in Taurus. May Day is blessed by a fiercely sexy conjunction of Black Moon Lilith and Venus. May 6 sees Venus merge energies with Algol, the Lilith Star. They are both trine Pluto, the Dark Lord of the Underworld.

This year 2021, the joyous and randy celebration of Beltane flows on an undertow of shadow. Fear not. Liberation lies in that realm.


Beltane is a time to celebrate the fertility of the Earth, the fountain of all life. Long ago the Priestess and her consort enacted Great Rite, the Sacred Marriage, or Heiros gamos, to ensure the fertility of the fields and flocks, and the fertility of the people too.

The people honored the god and goddess with their own sexual rituals. Beltane was a time of love-making in Nature, a time of Sacrifice--making sacred--the pleasure of lovers, offering the gift of pleasure and orgasm to the earth, so that she would be fruitful and bring forth abundance. The Heiros Gamos may also be invoked energetically, through symbol of plunging the masculine dagger into the feminine chalice of wine.

Beltane is a fire festival of renewal and fertility to assure continuing abundance. Fire and the Rainbow. The promise of new life!

Beltane fire and rainbow.jpeg

Honoring earth's fertility with ritual sacred sex has been suppressed in the modern era. I invite you to restore this ritual in your own life, in your own way. Create a way to get sexy with Nature this coming week.

In the Northern hemisphere, we are still planting our gardens. The Earth needs our love right now, more than ever. We need the bounty that feeding our sexual energy to the Earth will bring us. How will you get sexy with Nature?

Sex and Wealth

It is important for us to remember the natural connection between our erotic life and the fertility and health of the earth.

I'd like to share something that astrologer Eric Francis wrote about Beltane.

"... the struggles our society faces around the issue of wealth and abundance (both 'the economy' and the issues of individuals), and our crisis of being able to express our sexuality with a clear conscience, may be aspects of the same scenario.
The energy center where they meet is Beltane -- the nexus of sexual expression and acceptance of natural wealth. The ancient ritual is simple -- sex outside, with the intent of gratitude. I don't consider this sex magic. I consider it a natural way to celebrate life and the Earth, affirming something that is, if you look, plainly true: we are supported entirely by the Earth, and we are created by procreation. If not for sex, nothing made by human hands would exist, because there would not be anyone to make it. Sex and money involve the same basic gesture of opening up to the flow of existence." ~ Eric Francis

That last line bears repeating: Sex and money involve the same basic gesture of opening up to the flow of existence.

When you open up to the flow of existence, you've opened up the channel of orgasm. Orgasm is not something you do, it is who you are when you are being most completely yourself. Orgasm is a channel of abundance.

Our ancestors honored the relationship of sex and wealth. They made it sacred. Let's remember this ancient wisdom, and honor the earth with your turn on, your body, your orgasm, solo or together with your beloved. If it is not possible for you to be outdoors, then bring nature inside. Create an altar with fresh flowers, earth, stones. If you choose to use the blade and the chalice symbolism, allow your body to feel this union of Sacred Masculine and Feminine within. Move your body. Dance this union.

At the heart of this practice is remembering that sex is natural, pleasure is natural, and our relationship with the earth is natural. Abundance is natural. We don't have to work so hard, or stress so much to have the joy and plenty we desire in life.

Create the intention of giving your sexual energy as a gift to Nature between now and May 6, and see how your fortunes expand this year.

Let’s Talk

Explore with me how you can heal and clear the obstacles to living your inner union of sex and wealth. Book a no strings exploratory conversation here.

Carla Sanders