Why You Need the Cosmic Orgasm

The Goddess Vesta is an archetype of two apparently contradictory energies: your spiritual calling and your inner erotic fire. These are only contradictory in modern times. Our ancestors knew that there is no separation between our erotic being and our spiritual being.

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Carla Sanders
My Top Three Values

I live by my expansive and liberating values of Freedom, Sovereignty, and Pleasure. Everything I do, think, say, or create is measured by alignment with these three values.

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Carla Sanders
Expand Your Capacity for Bliss

“When our problems become too big for us our healthiest response is to expand our capacities . . . We become deeper, kinder to ourselves and others, and grow more capable of bliss.”

When I read these words, it dawned on me: This is what I do!

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Carla Sanders
Find the Jewel in Shame

A month ago on the longest night of the year, I took a walk as dusk began to enfold the woods. The message came:



I know you don't want to read about shame. I am commanded to write it, by the Goddess who adores you and calls you to her!

Shame doesn't want me to write this article, which I started a month ago!

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Carla Sanders

One year ago I was beginning the grueling process of getting my old farmhouse ready to put on the market. 

I was beginning the hard emotional work of letting go of 24 years of my home, my family, my late husband, my successes, and some broken dreams and failures along the way. 

I didn't know what what coming... whether Charlie and I would stay together, whether I would have the money to live, a home somewhere, or a room in someone's attic. 

(I can get melodramatic when facing big change!)

Now a year later, I can look back on a magical, blessed year!

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Carla Sanders
How Jesus Made Miracles

How to Make a Miracle According to Jesus

When I tell my story, I often talk about my sexually repressive Christian upbringing and how it hurt me. Today I am going to share with you one of the gifts of my growing up Baptist.

NOTE: I am in a miracle-making phase of life right now, and a repost of this article I wrote on miracles is timely. 

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Carla Sanders
Goddess Secrets of Feminine Pleasure and Power

A Free Training in Sacred Pleasure

I've talked to many women over the years, and you've told me that matters most to you in your sex life is a sacred intimate passionate connection with your beloved. Remember that your number one Beloved is yourself. The key to sacred, intimate, transcendent, and healing sex is knowing your own sacred spot.

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Carla Sanders
All Things Venus Will Save the World

Jimi could have been talking about the United States government shutdown. All over the world, modern versions of gods and titans battle for power without regard for the consequences to life, to nature, and to people. What can we do to save ourselves and the earth? What is our powerful and effective response to the entities who love power without understanding the Power of Love?

Let me tell you a story.

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Carla Sanders
Lilith Triple Goddess Part 3

Please read Lilith Triple Goddess part 1 and part 2,  If you have read them, please do read again. I guarantee you will find something new. 

Lilith stands for soul-level integrity, the kind of authenticity that will have you sacrifice rather than compromise. This is powerful. And it has a sharp double edge.

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Carla Sanders
Lilith: Triple Goddess Part 2

In Part one of  Lilith: Triple Goddess, I introduced the three faces of Lilith as a Triple Goddess.

When one aspect of the Triple Goddess is active, the other two are also present. At first I did not think that Lilith shows up as Maiden/Mother/Crone. My listening throughout the day reveals that she is Maiden/Mother/Crone as the Dark Goddess.

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Carla Sanders
Lilith: Triple Goddess Part 1

The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, activated Lilith energy in two powerful ways: The Demonized Goddess and the original Feminine energy of manifestation.

After the Eclipse I meditated deeply on Lilith and listened to what she had to teach me.

Lilith is a triple goddess. So many aspects of the Divine Feminine are triple goddesses. Something about Three is a magic number of dynamic creative power within wholeness that shows up in many religious systems.

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Carla Sanders
Part 1: Sacred Boundaries - What does it mean to have boundaries?

Boundaries are up in my world these days. Clients, friends, myself are all feeling the shock of having boundaries violated in some way. 

It is time to write a series of articles about boundaries: 
What they are and are not
Different kinds of boundaries
How they work
How you find your own boundaries and hold them. 

Boundaries are not one thing, they are many things.

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Carla Sanders
I am a racist, and it is my problem. What about you?

Last year I felt triggered almost every time I tuned into Facebook. The triggers were that there was something wrong with me because I am white. I felt constantly criticized and told I am wrong. 

Now, no one was calling me out personally. I was a timid lurker in these mystifying and painful interactions. 

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Carla Sanders